For years, decades even, I had a longing for something, but no understanding of what. As is often the case, it was a “dark night of the soul” that brought me to an awareness that there has to be another way, a better way to live. I found my Higher Power in Al-Anon and a men’s ACA group. From there I was invited to join a wonderful spiritual community, which eventually led me to the One Spirit Interfaith Seminary and their advanced Interspiritual Counseling Program.
To continue the growth and learning that keep me up to date and current I am a member of Spiritual Directors International (SDI), the Order of Universal Interfaith (OUnI), and the Community of the Mystic Heart (CMH). As an ordained Interfaith minister and an Interspiritual counselor I am blessed to serve individuals, couples, and communities, helping them recognize and experience the Divine in action in their lives.
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