Pat’s Book Corner
A collection of book reviews lovingly offered by Pat Weeks, founding member of Unity Center DC.

Rabbi Jesus
In anticipation of Easter, I am recommending this month a book by Bruce Chilton, a noted biblical scholar entitled, Rabbi Jesus, subtitled The Jewish Life and Teaching That Inspired Christianity. The author writes with vividness and readability that draws the reader into the world that Jesus occupied. He uses all sorts of sources: the Gospels of the New Testament, ancient Jewish literature, Aramaic oral traditions, the Torah and Talmud, archaeological discoveries, and texts from multiple scholars.

Book of Awakening
Mark Nepo’s own experiences of a difficult childhood and painful relationship with his parents, his developing and survival from a rare form of lymphoma, and his emerging spirituality have shaped his life and career as a writer, poet, philosopher, and speaker. His daily offerings are truly inspiring in their honesty,

Buddha’s Brain
Buddha’s Brain shows readers how to have greater emotional balance in turbulent times, as well as healthier relationships, more effective actions, and a deeper religious or spiritual practice. In Unity we say, “Change your thoughts; change your life.” Similarly, this book says that by changing our brain, we can change our life. The author points out that Jesus, Moses, the Buddha, and other great teachers were all born with a brain built essentially like anyone else’s. Then they used their minds to actually alter their brains in ways that changed history.

Help Thanks Wow
In the book’s prelude, she assures readers she’s not even remotely interested in trying to tell them who or what God is; she’s simply asking them to consider that there’s a Divine Being willing to run the show. How is one to get that process going? Prayer. The three sections of the book aren’t solely about each one-word prayer; they’re more a running conversation about their collective influence in her life. This small book is refreshing, simple, and meaningful and gives the reader a real-life, honest, and direct approach to prayer.

Peace from Broken Pieces
One of the influential figures in the New Thought movement is Joel Goldsmith, someone who has always fascinated me. His book, Practicing the Presence is a mainstay in my personal library. Years ago, there was a group in our Unity church who met once a week to study the spiritual message in his book and movement, The Infinite Way.

Unity Classics
This is a basic Unity text. Lessons in Truth is a clear, concise representation of New Thought philosophy and metaphysical Christianity. The spiritual concepts presented in twelve lessons show us how to transform our lives by understanding the power of our thoughts, words, and beliefs.

Crucial Conversations
We are all involved in crucial conversations almost daily whether it is at home or at work or in meetings. We need to become aware of the interpersonal dynamics at play and that we often have not developed to skills to respond differently so that communication is effective. The authors help us to have more positive, interaction and communication and show how to create a safe atmosphere for authenticity and openness.

Hell in the Hallway, Light at the Door
I highly recommend this book for anyone who finds themselves in a hallway—no matter if the hallway is a devastating event or a mild decision that needs to be made. It is a valuable source of practical advice. The author contends that every challenge in life is spiritual, whatever the circumstances. She will walk with you through the dark until you can see light at the door.

Divine Audacity
One of the influential figures in the New Thought movement is Joel Goldsmith, someone who has always fascinated me. His book, Practicing the Presence is a mainstay in my personal library. Years ago, there was a group in our Unity church who met once a week to study the spiritual message in his book and movement, The Infinite Way.

Joel Goldsmith and I
One of the influential figures in the New Thought movement is Joel Goldsmith, someone who has always fascinated me. His book, Practicing the Presence is a mainstay in my personal library. Years ago, there was a group in our Unity church who met once a week to study the spiritual message in his book and movement, The Infinite Way.