Basic Metaphysics:
The First Four Principles

Unity Center DC 3655 Calvert St, NW, Washington, DC, United States

Basic Metaphysics:
The First Four Principles. Facilitated by Caywood Black, LUT. January 6 – God is Absolute Good, Everywhere Present January 13 – Human Beings have a Spark of Divinity within, […]

Basic Metaphysics:
The First Four Principles

Unity Center DC 3655 Calvert St, NW, Washington, DC, United States

Basic Metaphysics:
The First Four Principles. Facilitated by Caywood Black, LUT. January 6 – God is Absolute Good, Everywhere Present January 13 – Human Beings have a Spark of Divinity within, […]

What Are You?

Unity Center DC 3655 Calvert St, NW, Washington, DC, United States

Based on the Unity Class book by Imelda Shanklin.
Discussion group with Paul will meet in the balcony after service.
This remarkable book describes what life is like if it is lived from the point of view of directly knowing our true nature, our oneness with God. This spiritual maturity then shapes how we think and what we choose to think about and what we consider real and worthy of our time and energy.

What Are You?

Unity Center DC 3655 Calvert St, NW, Washington, DC, United States

Based on the Unity Class book by Imelda Shanklin.
Discussion group with Paul will meet in the balcony after service.
This remarkable book describes what life is like if it is lived from the point of view of directly knowing our true nature, our oneness with God. This spiritual maturity then shapes how we think and what we choose to think about and what we consider real and worthy of our time and energy.

Spiritual CPR Training

Unity Center DC on Zoom Washington, DC

Join Paul for this workshop as we discover how to keep healthy in mind, body and soul on this planet.

Team 12 Powers

Unity Center DC on Zoom Washington, DC

Unleash Your Super Powers! Class with Caywood Black, LUT 9:30 AM - 10:30 AM Wesley Room Join us each Sunday in October for a robust discussion of the Unity 12 […]

Team 12 Powers

Unity Center DC on Zoom Washington, DC

Unleash Your Super Powers! Class with Caywood Black, LUT 9:30 AM - 10:30 AM Wesley Room Join us each Sunday in October for a robust discussion of the Unity 12 […]

Team 12 Powers

Unity Center DC on Zoom Washington, DC

Unleash Your Super Powers! Class with Caywood Black, LUT 9:30 AM - 10:30 AM Wesley Room Join us each Sunday in October for a robust discussion of the Unity 12 […]

Team 12 Powers

Unity Center DC on Zoom Washington, DC

Unleash Your Super Powers! Class with Caywood Black, LUT 9:30 AM - 10:30 AM Wesley Room Join us each Sunday in October for a robust discussion of the Unity 12 […]

Prayer as the Means and the End Workshop

Unity Center DC on Zoom Washington, DC

We will be using Emmet Fox’s book The Sermon on the Mount, focusing on the Beatitudes,  with selected writings from Emilie Cady as we discuss prayer and its uses in the […]

Book Group—Spiritual Economics

Unity Center DC on Zoom Washington, DC

Facilitated by Chic and Cheryl Welsh-Charrier ((•)) Zoom Link ​Our first book will be Spiritual Economics: The Principles and Process of True Prosperity by Eric Butterworth. This straightforward, non-theological approach […]

Spiritual Support Group

Unity Center DC on Zoom Washington, DC

Our Spiritual Support Group meets the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of the month to share our spiritual journey and to hold each other in light as we adjust to the changes happening in our lives and the world.

Book Group—Spiritual Economics

Unity Center DC on Zoom Washington, DC

Facilitated by Chic and Cheryl Welsh-Charrier ((•)) Zoom Link ​Our first book will be Spiritual Economics: The Principles and Process of True Prosperity by Eric Butterworth. This straightforward, non-theological approach […]

Spiritual Support Group

Unity Center DC on Zoom Washington, DC

Our Spiritual Support Group meets the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of the month to share our spiritual journey and to hold each other in light as we adjust to the changes happening in our lives and the world.

Spiritual Support Group

Unity Center DC on Zoom Washington, DC

Our Spiritual Support Group meets the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of the month to share our spiritual journey and to hold each other in light as we adjust to the changes happening in our lives and the world.

Book Group—Spiritual Economics

Unity Center DC on Zoom Washington, DC

Facilitated by Chic and Cheryl Welsh-Charrier ((•)) Zoom Link ​Our first book will be Spiritual Economics: The Principles and Process of True Prosperity by Eric Butterworth. This straightforward, non-theological approach […]

Spiritual Support Group

Unity Center DC on Zoom Washington, DC

Our Spiritual Support Group meets the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of the month to share our spiritual journey and to hold each other in light as we adjust to the changes happening in our lives and the world.

Spiritual Support Group

Unity Center DC on Zoom Washington, DC

Our Spiritual Support Group meets the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of the month to share our spiritual journey and to hold each other in light as we adjust to the changes happening in our lives and the world.

Book Group—Spiritual Economics

Unity Center DC on Zoom Washington, DC

Facilitated by Chic and Cheryl Welsh-Charrier ((•)) Zoom Link ​Our first book will be Spiritual Economics: The Principles and Process of True Prosperity by Eric Butterworth. This straightforward, non-theological approach […]

Spiritual Support Group

Unity Center DC on Zoom Washington, DC

Our Spiritual Support Group meets the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of the month to share our spiritual journey and to hold each other in light as we adjust to the changes happening in our lives and the world.